6. Why did Mira cut her hair short?A. She must

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari doraemonlucu12 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

6. Why did Mira cut her hair short?A. She must cut her hair short.
C. Because she wants to be practical
B. She cares her short hair everyday.
D. Because she wants to look beautiful.
7. What does Mira's hair look like before she cuts it short?
A. She had beautiful and shiny long hair.
C. She had beautiful long hair.
B. She has beautiful performance.
D. She had shiny long hair.
8. What does Lisa think about Mira's hair finally? She thinks .....
A. Mira looks more beautiful with her long hair.
B. Mira has good looking with that hair cut.
C. Mira's hair is shiny and long.
D. Mira's hair is so short.
The text is for questions number

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Last Update: Wed, 25 Aug 21