A. How is the person like?1. Elly always tries hard

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari hani24897 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

A. How is the person like?1. Elly always tries hard to finish her homework. Elly is a ... student.
2. Tom never tries to finish his tasks. He is a ... student.
3. Farah never cares about other. She only thinks about herself. She is really a ... girl
4. Fuad likes to make jokes. He is a ... person

B. Complete the sentences with a name of a job

1. A ... examines people's health, write a prescription or gives medicines to patients
2. This person flies an aeroplane. He is a ....
3. A .... counts the total price of the groceries of a customer in a store.
4 Lusi always sits on the sidewalk and ask for money from the passersby. She is a ...
5. Bob catches fish in the deep sea in the middle of the night. what does Bob do?

Tolong Bantuannya​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. A: Where do you come from?

B: I (c) come from Thailand

2. A: Is Mrs. Gray from United States?

B: No, She (c) is not, She is from Chicago.

3. He = His

She = (d) Her

4. Richard: Hello, are you Brian?

Brian : Yes, I am and what is your name?

Richard: Sorry, how do you (a) spell that?

Brian : B-R-I-A-N.

5. My brother is a university student. (e) His name is Carlos.

6. Sheila: Hi, Bruno. Where (a) do you work?

Bruno: Hello, Sheila. I work at Siloam Hospital.

7. A: What (b) does he do?

B: He goes to school everyday.

8. Doctor <> Hospital

Teacher <> (e) School

9. I have (d) dinner at 7.30 pm.

10. A. What (b) does your father?

B. My Father is an engineer.

11. C: How (d) much is the cake?

W: What do you mean?

C: I mean the price of the cake.

W: Oh, it is $ 10.

12. There is no price tag. The underlined words has a synonym meaning with (a) value.

13. Much >< Little

Expensive >< (c) Cheap

14. A: Excuse me, How much (c) are those orange?

B: Those are $5/kilo.

15. I like the wool one better. The italic word is based word of (e) good.

16. Andrea: Hi Josh, how are you?

Josh : I’m fine. What about you?

Andrea: Well, I have two tickets music concert. Would you like to come with me?

Josh : I’m sorry, I (c) can't go with you because I have another job.

17. A: How (d) much money do you have?

B: I have $ 5 for shopping.

18. Hi Brian, Who’s your favorite singer?

The underlined word has synonym meaning with (a) fancied.

19. Jane : Hi, Susan. Do play guitar?

Susan: Yes, I (a) do

20. A: Would you like to (c) go out on Saturday?

B: Of course.

21. Brother >< Sister

Nephew >< (d) Niece

22. I have two (b) sisters, their names are Sheila and Steffany.

23. Wife_Wives

Child _ (b) Children

24. Brian: Hello James. How many sister do you have?

James: I have (a) one sister.

25. David: is your father working at Kennedy Hospital?

Mike : No, My father (c) isn't Working at Kennedy Hospital but My father has been working at a school.

26. There are three famous athlete in my country. The underlined word has synonym meaning with (d) well known.

27. I have lunch at 12.30 pm.

28. A: Do you like to play badminton?

B: No, I (e) do not like to play badminton.

29. A: What time do you get up in the morning?

B: I get up (c) at 5.30 every morning.

30. A: How well do you (a) play tennis?

B: Not very well, I think.


1. Penjelasan tentang simple present tense: yomemimo.com/tugas/22868893

2. Penjelasan tentang kalimat Nominal simple present yomemimo.com/tugas/22133819

3. Penjelasan tentang possessive pronoun: yomemimo.com/tugas/23990166

4. Brian menjawab dengan mengeja namanya. Maka, pertanyaan yang tepat adalah How do you 'spell' that?

5. lihat penjelasan nomor 3.

6. Pertanyaan yang tepat untuk subjek 'you' adalah 'do', dan preposisi yang tepat untuk Siloam Hospital adalah 'at' yang artinya perkerjaan tersebut berhubungan dengan rumah sakit Siloam.

7. Penjelasan tentang simple present tense: yomemimo.com/tugas/22868893

8. Doctor works in a hospital, teacher works in a school.

9. Pukul 7.30 pm menunjukkan waktu malam, maka jawaban yang tepat adalah 'dinner', makan malam.

10. Banyak non-English Speaker menyebutkan pertanyaan ini. Namun secara grammatical tidak tepat. Pertanyaan yang tepat adalah "What does you father do?" or "What is your father's occupation?"

11. 'much' digunakan untuk uncountable noun 'uang', menanyakan harga.

12. 'price tag' artinya harga, serupa dengan makna value.

13. Lawan kata mahal (expensive) adalah murah (cheap).

14. 'Those' merupakan kata penunjuk jamak dan dapat dilihat dari jawaban, bentuk 'be' nya 'are'.

15. Good = baik, better = lebih baik, best = terbaik.

16. Jawaban yang menyatakan penolakan adalah 'can't.

17. Lihat penjelasan nomor 11.

18. Favorite as adj = fancied, favorite as noun = preference

19. Lihat penjelasan nomor 7.

20. Bentuk infinitive: to + verb 1

21. Keponakan laki-laki >< Keponakan perempuan

22. Sheila and Steffany adalah nama perempuan, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah sisters.

23. Bentuk jamak dari Child (anak) adalah Children (anak-anak)

24. Kata sister menunjukkan kata benda tunggal, satu.

25. Lihat penjelasan nomor 6.

26. Arti kata famous adalah terkenal, sama dengan well known.

27. Pukul 12.30 pm menunjukkan waktu siang hari, maka jawaban yang paling tepat adalah lunch, makan siang.

28. Lihat penjelasan nomor 7.

29. Preposisi untuk menyatakan jam adalah 'at'

30. Lihat penjelasan nomor 7.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

1. Kalimat Nominal dan Verbal pada simple present: yomemimo.com/tugas/22133819

2. Some prepositions of place and time: yomemimo.com/tugas/3877920

3. Soal tentang we, us, they, them, me, her, he, his: yomemimo.com/tugas/4963710

Detail jawaban

Kelas: 10

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: 3

Kode: 10.5.3


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Last Update: Tue, 09 Aug 22