please help me. I really need you guys !!!!Grammar -

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari fachydankim pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Please help me. I really need you guys !!!!Grammar - Exercise
1. Direct Speech : Tantri said. "Amalia is fine".
Indirect speech: .....
2. Direct Speech : Indana told, "I will love you, forever"
Indirect speech:.....
3. Direct Speech : Dono said, "my wife likes your clothes".
Indirect speech :...
4 Direct Speech : They said to me, "we are looking for you today".
Indirect speech :...
5.Direct Speech :They asked Rudi. "Is this boy ugly?"
Indirect speech :...
6.Direct speech : Hartanto said to Muqqodas. "I visited Tarakan yesterday"
Indirect speech :
7.Direct speech : Tamara asked Benny. "Do you want go to Surabaya?".
Indirect speech :....
8.Direct speech : Laura said to Desy. "Save your bag in this desk".
Indirect speech :.....
9.Direct speech : Habib said to Saiful. "Gather in meeting room today !"
Indirect speech :.....
10.Direct speech : Our friends said "Give safety to our Prophet Muhammad
Indirect speech :....
11.Direct speech : Brina said. "I will propose this company next month".
Indirect speech :...
12.Direct speech : Safrudin has told. "Aminah Will angry with you".
Indirect speech :...
13.Direct speech : Geisa and Pasha said. "We will come to your home tomorrow".
Indirect speech :....
14.Direct speech : iis dahlia said to me. "I am very sad, because my mother has gone".
Indirect speech :.....
15.Direct speech : Romli said, "don't keep your angry in your heart!"
Indirect speech :......
16.Direct speech : They said "we will visit your country next Month".
Indirect speech :.....
17.Direct speech : Aminah told "Rizqi got accident in juata street Last month"
Indirect speech :.....
18.Direct speech : Boby said. "I didn't know where Romi will go".
Indirect speech :..….
19.Direct speech : Rifqi said "I listen radio every night"
Indirect speech :.....
20.Direct speech : Messi and Neymar said "we will be top scorer in this league"
Indirect speech :....

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Indirect Speech

1) Tantri said that Amalia was fine.

2) Indana told that she would love me forever.

3) Dono said that his wife liked his clothes.

4) They said to me that they were looking for me today.

5) They asked Budi if this boy was ugly.

6) Hartanto said to Muqqodas that he had visited Tarakan yesterday.

7) Tamara asked Benny if he wanted go to the Surabaya.

8) Lauren said to Desy that to save her bag in this desk.

9) Habib said to Saiful that to gather in meeting room that day.

10) Our friends said that to give safety to our Prophet Muhammad.

11) Brina said that she would propose this company the month after.

12) Safrudin has told that Aminah would angry with him.

13) Geisha and Pasha said that they would come to my house the following day.

14) Iis Dahlia said to me that she was very sad because her mother has gone.

15) Romli said that not to keep my angry in my heart. 

16) They said that they would visit my country the month after. 

17) Aminah told that Rizqi had gotten accident in Juata street the month before. 

18) Boby said that he hadn't known where Romi would go.

19) Rifqi said that he listened radio every night.

20) Messi and Neymar said that they would be top scorer in this league. 



2) Prince told that he would love princess forever.

3) David said that he liked Lauren new haircut.

6) Maya said to me that she had visited her grandmother in Thailand last year.

7) Lizzie asked Charlotte if she wanted go to the Bali.

19) Emily said that she listened Spotify music on her phone every day.

20) Grace and Ingrid said that they would be winner court tennis march in this world championship.

I hope this help

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Last Update: Sun, 06 Mar 22