Florence Nightingale was born on May 12, 1820 to a

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Florence Nightingale was born on May 12, 1820 to a wealthy family. She was educated at home by her father. She aspired to serve others, so she wanted to become a nurse. However, her parents disagreed with her. Despite her parents’ disapproval, Florence went ahead and trained to be a nurse.Florence was put in charge of nursing British and allied soldiers in Turkey during the Crimea War. She spent many hours in the wards and her night rounds giving personal care to the wounded. The efforts of Florence and her team of nurses were greatly appreciated by the wounded soldiers and gradually positive news reports filtered back home. During her time in the Crimea, she developed a persona as being “The Lady with the Lamp”.

By the time she returned home, she had become a national heroine and got numerous awards including one from Queen Victoria. After the war, she continued to work for the improvement of hospital conditions, writing to influential people encouraging them to improve hygiene standards in hospitals. With the help of donations to the Nightingale Fund, she was able to found a training school for nurses at St. Thomas’ Hospital, London. She was also instrumental in setting up training for midwives and nurses in workhouse infirmaries. She was the first woman awarded the Order of Merit (1907). International Nurses Day, observed annually on May 12, commemorates her birth and celebrates the important role of nurses in health care.

In August 1910, Florence Nightingale fell ill. She died unexpected on Saturday, August 13, at her home in London. The Florence Nightingale Museum, which sits at the site of the original Nightingale Training School for Nurses, houses more than 2,000 artifacts commemorating the life and career of the “The Lady with the Lamp”. To this day, Florence Nightingale is broadly acknowledged and revered as the pioneer of modern nursing.

How old Florence died?

a.50 years old

b.60 years old

c. 70 years old

d. 80 years old

e. 90 years old​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


d. 80 years old


1910 - 1820 = 80

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Last Update: Thu, 09 Dec 21