Can we apply the hybrid machine for the classic style?​

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Can we apply the hybrid machine for the classic style?​

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The high price of fuel oil has made car manufacturers compete to make cars that are fuel efficient. Of course, a car that is fuel efficient and then reduces vehicle performance will not be liked by most consumers. Therefore, car manufacturers make Hybrid car technology or what is called the Hybrida car. With the aim of economizing fuel oil consumption without reducing car performance. The next question, how do hybrid cars work? How Hybrid Cars Work Hybrid vehicles use the combined benefits of a gasoline engine and a battery-powered electric motor, to reduce fuel consumption. The gasoline engine provides most of the power for the car, and the electric motor provides additional power when needed, such as to accelerate the vehicle and to overtake. On this page, we will write for you, the working principle of a Hybrid car engine, in a simple so that it is easy to understand. By understanding how a Hybrid car engine works, it will be easier for you to make a choice, whether to switch to a Hybrid car or not.


thanks you

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Last Update: Mon, 26 Jul 21