COORECT THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES in Passive Voice 1.He was still laugh

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari venycahaya363 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

COORECT THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES in Passive Voice1.He was still laugh at by the other students.

2. The man was arresting by the police officer.

3. A mistake make.

4. Liability impose on the dog owner for allowing his dog to chase children

on their bicycles.

5. The rest of the sentence add using an infinitive construction with 'to'.

6. The repeated lunging behavior of the dog find to constitute notice to the

dog owner that the dog had exhibited aggressive behavior.

7. This Act may cite as the Unlawful Detention Act of 2002.
1.He was still laugh at by the other students.
2. The man was arresting by the police officer.
3. A mistake make.
4. Liability impose on the dog owner for allowing his dog to chase children on their bicycles.
5. The rest of the sentence add using an infinitive construction with 'to'.
6. The repeated lunging behavior of the dog find to constitute notice to the dog owner that the dog had exhibited aggressive behavior.
7. This Act may cite as the Unlawful Detention Act of 2002.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. laughed

2. arrested

3. made

4. allowed

5. used

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Last Update: Tue, 13 Jul 21