The following dialog is for questions 18 to 20. An

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The following dialog is for questions 18 to 20.An interview script with Usain Bolt, the Fastest Man Alive.
Question: Why do you do what you do? Usain Bolt: I do what I do because I am good at it, I enjoy it and I have been successful doing it. God gave me a talent and I have worked extremely hard to Question fulfill this talent.
Question : What does success mean to you?
Usain Volt : Success for me had been the ability to change my life, change my family's life and help a lot of other people. Athletics has brought me fame and fortune, and I enjoy using it to help those around me and those less fortunate.
Question : How do you cope with the physical stresses of sports & travel?
Usain Bolt: Travel is part of my job as track and field is a global sports and the competitions can be anywhere in the world. My team tries to plan my schedule so that I limit the amount of long haul flights I do in the months before a major championship. But, T have been doing it for a long time and am used to international travel by now.
Question:How do you look after your own mental health?
Usain Bolt : lam not someone who puts a lot of pressure on myself. I love a challenge and live for the big stage of an Olympic Games or World Championships. Few people get nervous for big events, but I look forward to them. I actually find the training much more mentally challenging than the competitions. Question : Who inspires you?
Usain Bolt : I see inspiration everywhere. My parents are a big inspiration for me. I remember how hard my Dad worked when I was young. My coach inspires me to train hard. I take inspiration from other leaders doing what they do whether that is in sports, entertainment, business, politics, etc. Question :What would be your message to the generation after ours?
Usain Bolt : I have shown that anything is possible. I always tell people not to limit themselves. Find out what you are good at or interested in and work hard to be successful in that. Have fun when you are doing it and life is better.

18. Who gives Usain Bolt the biggest motivation to do what he does?
A.His parents
B.His sponsor
C. His peers
D. Famous figures
E. Himself

19. What is Usain Bolt's message for the new generation?
A. He wants them to know that they need talent to succeed.
B. They should look for good inspiration to success.
C. Everything is possible through hard works.
D. They should look for the things that profitable.
E. Everyone has a limit, but they should not afraid of it.

20. "God gave me a talent and I have worked extremely hard to fulfil this talent." What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. Gift
B. Passion
C. Interest
D. Ambition
E. Intelligence​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Who gives Usain Bolt the biggest motivation to do what he does?

(Siapa yang memberi Usain Bolt motivasi terbesar untuk melakukan apa yang dia lakukan?)

A. His parents(Orang tuanya)

B. His sponsor(Sponsornya)

C. His peers(Teman-temannya)

D. Famous figures(Tokoh terkenal)

E. Himself (Dirinya sendiri)


A. His parents

=> My parents are a big inspiration for me.


What is Usain Bolt's message for the new generation?

(Apa pesan Usain Bolt untuk generasi baru?)

A. He wants them to know that they need talent to succeed.

(Dia ingin mereka tahu bahwa mereka membutuhkan bakat untuk sukses)

B. They should look for good inspiration to success.(Mereka harus mencari inspirasi yang baik untuk sukses)

C. Everything is possible through hard works. (Segalanya mungkin melalui kerja keras)

D. They should look for the things that profitable. (Mereka harus mencari hal-hal yang menguntungkan)

E. Everyone has a limit, but they should not afraid of it.

(Setiap orang memiliki batas, tetapi mereka tidak perlu takut akan hal itu.)


C. Everything is possible through hard works.


"God gave me a talent and I have worked extremely hard to fulfil this talent." What is the synonym of the underlined word?

("Tuhan memberi saya bakat dan saya telah bekerja sangat keras untuk memenuhi bakat ini." Apa sinonim dari kata yang digarisbawahi?)

A. Gift(Hadiah)

B. Passion(Gairah)

C. Interest(Bunga)

D. Ambition(ambisi)

E. Intelligence​(Intelijen)


Sorry, no words are underlined:(

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Last Update: Sun, 18 Jul 21