now, think about your favorite song!what is the song about?write

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ferlandaivanka pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

now, think about your favorite song!what is the song about?write a short description of your favorite song below!coba jawab sekarang ya ini penting mks​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

My favorite song is scars to your beautiful.

Basically, that song is about body image. It's directed at women, but I think men can relate to it as well. It's just a song about these things that certain women go through on a daily basis in order to feel loved or in order to love themselves. I think that's such a thing that goes on in today's world. These weird things are instilled in us. You know? That tell us that we’re not good enough or that there's only one kind of beauty. This song basically is contradicting that idea. It's saying, 'Well, if the world doesn't like how you look then they should change. They should change their perspective. You don’t have to change yourself.' I mean, I thought that that was important, you know, just to put out next. Especially because I think that's kind of the direction we're going in, you know, with 'Here'. 'Here' was about not belonging anywhere and 'Wild Things' was about finding a space you belong. Now 'Scars To Your Beautiful' is basically about embracing yourself and finally coming to that conclusion where you feel love and you can love yourself. I think it's cool to put out third because I feel like I have a bigger platform now. The point of the song is to reach as many women, or people, as possible

Scars to your beautiful is a pop song written by Alessia Caracciolo in July 26 2016. Alessia Cara wrote this song to inform to the people that have struggled and still is with their body image. The song also describes that you should love yourself no matter what and that you don't have to change for the good of others.

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Last Update: Thu, 29 Jul 21