a) you can ask the porter to carry them for

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari michaelhandy02pdedaa pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

A) you can ask the porter to carry them for you d) I will then have to take direct flightb) do I need to reserve new ticket e) What time is your flight

c) that flight has been cancelled

klu nya ada diatas , untuk soalnya ada dibawah

Ms. Wanda (W) Airport's Officer (AO)

W : Excuse me, where is the check-in counter?

AO : Go straight and turn left.

W : I see. By the way, where can i find trolley for carrying my luggages?

AO : You can find it next to the Duty Free store or (1) _____.

W : Ok. Thank you for the information.

AO : My pleasure. (2) _____?

W : It takes off at 6 pm sharp, Garuda Indonesia flight number 857 to Kansai airport.

AO : Oh.. (3) _____ due to the typhoon which will cross Japan today's evening.

W : Really? So, (4) _____?

AO : I'm not sure. But just make sure you don't overbook the seat.

W : No, I won't. Don't worry. (5) _____ without any stopover, in order to catch up with the meeting's schedule.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. a

2. e

3. c

4. b

5. d

Semoga bermanfaat

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Last Update: Sun, 29 Aug 21