contoh teks experience tentang tempat bersejarah menggunakan simple past (singkat)​

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Contoh teks experience tentang tempat bersejarah menggunakan simple past

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Some years ago. I went to Bukit Siguntang. I get information about Bukit Siguntang is a 29-30 metres high small hill located at the northern bank of Musi River and within the vicinity of Palembang, capital city of South Sumatra province, Indonesia. It is located around 3 kilometres north from Musi river northern bank and around four kilometres southwest from Palembang city center. This information made me even more interested to bukit siguntang. When we arrived at bukit siguntang. We buy some ticket before come in. After that, we went straight in to enjoy the beautiful scenery and fresh air. I and my family get information about history of bukit siguntang from the references there that explain history. The history is in 1920s, a Buddha statue was discovered in this hill. It was discovered in pieces, the head part was discovered first, several months later the body parts were discovered, however the leg part is still missing. The 277 cm tall statue made from granite stone commonly found in neighboring Bangka Island. The statue followed the Amaravati style flourished in Southern India around 2nd to 5th century CE. The style was copied during Sriwijaya era, and its origin was estimated circa 7th-8th century CE. It is displayed in Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Museum, near Kuto Besak fort. In Bukit Siguntang area also found fragments of Boddhisattva statue, a ruin of stupa made of sandstone and brick, fragment of inscription, stone statue of Boddhisattva, statue of Kuwera, and a statue of Buddha Vairocana in seated position complete with prabha (halo aura) and chattra (umbrella). The fragment of inscription is called Bukit Siguntang Inscription, mentioned about a great battle that shed a lot of blood upon Bhumi Sriwijaya. The inscription also mentioned about a curse for those who had done evil deed. In the southern side of the hill lays Karanganyar site, where sherds from Tang and early Sung dynasties were found. Two stone inscriptions dated back to seventh century AD were found in its vicinity in 1920s. After me from there, that is make me know that bukit siguntang has history. It is so fun because i get new knowledge from bukit siguntang. I was enjoyed this holiday.

maaf kalau salah

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Last Update: Sun, 18 Jul 21