Exercise 2 Now use the left column for the main

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari naomimariyanti2703 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Exercise 2Now use the left column for the main clause. Do not use commas.
1. You/not get a credit you/not do your assignment ……………………
2. The audience/happy she/perform the dance ………………………….
3. We/get good grades we/study hard …………………………………..
4. I/give you/mine you/give me/your book …………………………
5. We/leave without her she/not come in five minutes ………………….
6. Mahabarata`s war/not happen Kurawa and Pandhawa/love each other ……….​
Exercise 2 Now use the left column for the main clause. Do not use commas. 1. You/not get a credit you/not do your assignment …………………… 2. The audience/happy she/perform the dance …………………………. 3. We/get good grades we/study hard ………………………………….. 4. I/give you/mine you/give me/your book ………………………… 5. We/leave without her she/not come in five minutes …………………. 6. Mahabarata`s war/not happen Kurawa and Pandhawa/love each other ……….​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. You will not get credit if you don't do your assignment.

2. The audience will be happy if she performs the dance.

3. We will get good grades if we study hard.

4. I will give you mine if you give me your book.

5. We will leave without her if she doesn't come in five minutes.

6. Mahabarata's war will not happen if Kurawa and Pandhawa love each other

Semoga benar yaa

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Last Update: Thu, 20 Jan 22