Complete the conditional sentences below! 1. If the sky (clear) up

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari 196218 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Complete the conditional sentences below!1. If the sky (clear) up soon, we will go out.
2. You would have got well earlier if you (take) my advice.
3. If he asks you politely, he (give) you a reply.
4. If I were a mouse, the cat (not catch) me so easily.
5. If you (be) a bee, what flower would you visit more frequently?
6. If she (be) the teacher, she would excuse you.
7. If the river had risen any higher, the town (be) flooded.
8. We (not know) the answer if we did not work on it
9. The typhoon (damage) many houses if it had occurred here.
10. The animal (not escape) if you had shut the gate properly.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. If the sky clears up soon, we will go out.

2. You would have got well earlier if you had taken my advice.

3. If he asks you politely, he will give you a reply.

4. If I were a mouse, the cat would not catch me so easily.

5. If you were a bee, what flower would you visit more frequently?

6. If she was the teacher, she would excuse you.

7. If the river had risen any higher, the town would have been flooded.

8. We would not know the answer if we did not work on it

9. The typhoon would have damaged many houses if it had occurred here.

10. The animal would have not escaped) if you had shut the gate properly.


First Conditional:

If + present simple, present future

If + past simple, past future

If + past perfect, past future perfect

i hope it helps you!

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Last Update: Mon, 26 Jul 21