This text is for questions 10 to 12. Vira was

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This text is for questions 10 to 12. Vira was waiting for a bus. She was going to school. The bus wasn't coming yet. Suddenly she saw an accident. An old lady was injured badly there. Then she ran quickly towards the accident. She helped the lady and brought her to the hospital by a taxi. Fortunately she could be saved. After that, she went to school. She was late, but her teacher forgave her after she heard Vira's reason. 9. 10. Why was Vira late to school? Because.... A. she got an accident B. she ran from the accident C. she helped a victim of the accident D. her bus left her E. she was injured badly 11. From the text, we know that the cause of why Vira's teacher was not angry is.... A. Vira's reason B. the accident C. Vira's condition D. Vira's lie E. Vira's talent 12. Based on the text, which of the following statement is true? A. The accident happened because of Vira's bus. B. Vira was late because she was lazy. C. Vira ran quickly towards the accident in order to see the truth. D. The lady was saved thanks to Vira. E. Vira was forgiven since she was a clever student. ​

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Last Update: Wed, 24 Aug 22