0000 .Dialogue for questions number 14 to 15 Akbar: Hi,

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari margiyantomarg31 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

0000 .Dialogue for questions number 14 to 15 Akbar: Hi, Theo. Have you received Stevan's message? Theo : Oh, about his invitation to do the geography homework together? Yups, I received it. Akbar: We'll do it in library, right? Ran Yes, that is what he said in his message Akbar: All right. I will pick you up at 9 o'clock. Theo : Nice. By the way, can we bring food and drink to the library? Akbar: Theo, I think we are not allowed to do so. Theo : Then, how if we get hungry or thirsty when doing our homework? Akbar: There are many sellers and vending machines outside the library. There is a park too. I think we can borrow some books and do our homework at the park. Theo : That sounds good. 14. Where will they meet? a. In the city library b. In the school's library C. At Theo's house d. At Akbar's house The italic sentence in the dialogue is an expression of ....HOTS a. asking about permission b. giving permission c. inviting d. accepting invitation 15.​

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maaf klo salah yahhh awokawok

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Last Update: Mon, 31 Jan 22