Change into active voice6. Many things have been sacrificed by

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari alghzk pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Change into active voice6. Many things have been sacrificed by us in order to face this condition.
7. The patients are treated by the medical officers in an isolation room because of the disease.
8. The vaccine of the virus will be found by the scientists as soon as they finish the research.
9. The government warning about social distancing must be obeyed by all people to stop the spread of the disease.
10. The house was left by them when the house was broken and some jewelry was robbed by thief.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



Passive : Many things have been sacrificed by us in order to face this condition.

Active : We have sacrificed many things in order to face this condition.


Passive : The patients are treated by the medical officers in an isolation room because of the disease.

Active : The medical officers treat the patients in an isolation room because of the disease.


Passive : The vaccine of the virus will be found by the scientists as soon as they finish the research.

Active : The scientists will find the vaccine of the virus as soon they finish the research.


Passive : The government warning about social distancing must be obeyed by all people to stop the spread of the disease.

Active : All people must obey the government warning about social distancing to stop the spread of the disease.


Passive : The house was left by them when the house was broken and some jewelry was robbed by thief.

Active : They left the house when thief broke the house and robbed some jewelry.


6. Kalimat tsb menggunakan Simple Perfect Tense. Rumus:

(+) O + has/have + been + V3 + (by agent) → Passive

(+) S + has/have + V3 + O → Active

7. Kalimat tsb menggunakan tense Simple Present Tense. Rumus:

(+) O + is/am/are + V3 + (by agent) → Passive

(+) S + V1 + (s/es) + O → Active

8. Kalimat tsb menggunakan Simple Future Tense. Rumus:

(+) O + will + be + V3 + (by agent) → Passive

(+) S + will + Vinf + O → Active

9. Kalimat tsb menggunakan modals (must). Rumus:

(+) O + must + be + V3 + (by agent) → Passive

(+) S + must + Vinf + O → Active

10. Kalimat tsb menggunakan Simple Past Tense. Rumus:

(+) O + was/were + V3 + (by agent) → Passive

(+) S + V2 + O → Active


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Last Update: Sun, 22 Aug 21