Read the following text and answer the questionsHow to keep

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mjoni3176 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Read the following text and answer the questionsHow to keep Phone Calls Short
Telephoning is one of the methods by which people are most likely to speak. Unfortunately, we do not have much time to spend on the phone. However, what can we do to face "a long winded talker" a person who makes us imposible to say goodbye? Here is some advice we may try to overcome such a problem. First, we should never ask questions like What's new? They give impression that we have time that chat. After "Hello", we ought to get right to the significant to the call. we should offer brief responses without prodding for further information. Then, we should time our call intelligently. it is important to set a time limit. Start with "Hi, l've only got a few minutes, but I wanted to talk to you about..." or "sorry, l'd love to talk more, but l only have a couple of minutes before I have to run erands. Further as soon as we finish conducting business, Interrupt when the caller pauses- or in midsentence if necessary- and indicate we have another call coming in which Correct way cara yang sentence necessary and indicate we have another call coming in which we need to. Then, offer a pleasantry saying, "Thanks for sharing the information with me"; "I appreciate your letting me know" it has been great talking with you". Otherwise, we might offer another means of communication for a future contact, such as "if there's something else you need, please call my secretary/fax me a note/send me an email." The caller will feel he is well-informed about our preferred communication method, leaving us to respond at our leisure. Finally, end the conversation. However, it is going to be a wise alternative to use an answering machine or a voicemail box to screen the calls rather than avoid the phone completely.

1. Based on the article, what is the first thing we do to
2. Why should we never ask questions like "What's
3. What is the better thing to do after saying "Hello"? Answer
4. Why do we have to set a time limit?
5. Mention some expressons in the article that Indicato a Keep the conversation short on the phone? time limit.
6. When may we interrupt the callers' talk? new?"
7. What does the writer mean by "a long-winded talker?
8. What is meant by 'well-informed"?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1.we should never ask questions like What's new?

2.because They give impression that we have time that chat

3.the better thing to do after saying "hello", Hi, l've only got a few minutes but I wanted to talk to you about..." that we don't call too long and don't waste time at the call

5.Hi, l've only got a few minutes, but I wanted to talk to you about..." or sorry, l'd love to talk more, but l only have a couple of minutes before I have to run erands

6.when the caller pauses

7.a talk that need long and clear conversation

8.information that came out clearly from the source

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Last Update: Tue, 11 Jan 22