1. m : i think about tennis stop giving up

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari sohibace96 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. m : i think about tennis stop giving up tennis I've been working at it for over a year now and I'm just not making much progressw : now you have too much potential all you need is a new coach
what does the woman imply about the man ?
(A) He should become a tennis coach
(B) He should buy a new tennis racket
(C) He can become a good tennis player
(D) He is not interested in improving at tennis

2. m :boy I've been really struggling in our Chinese class
w :me too I think it might be the confusing layout of the text before using
what does the woman imply ?
(A) She wants to borrow the man's textbook
(B) She will help the man to study Chinese
(C) The man should read the textbook
(D) The textbook is difficult to understand

3. m :I need a break from working on this paper I've been looking at the computer screen for hours and it's giving me a headache
w :that could explain why I had one yesterday
what can be inferred about the woman
(A) She want the man to explain what he means
(B) She worked a long time on the computer yesterday
(C) She does not get headaches often
(D) She did not have a time to work on her paper yesterday

4. M :we have to read five chapters by Thursday you've got to be kidding me
W :you've never seen a novel like this though a couple of those chapters are just one paragraph long
what does the woman imply ?
(A) She will have difficulty completing the assignment
(B) She was only joking about the assignment
(C) The man probably will not finish the novel in time
(D) The assignment is not as difficult as the man thinks

5. M :Tom never wants to do anything with this anymore
W :oh he's just totally caught up in playing basketball right now the season will be over soon
what does the woman imply about Tom ?
(A) He is not a very good basketball player
(B) He was recently injured in a basketball game
(C) He wants his friend to attend a basketball game
(d) He will soon spend more time with his friends

6. W :I'm trying to find a building where they're showing the new Art Exhibit but I can't make any sense of this map
M :neither can I it seems like nothing's where it should be
what the man mean ?
(A) He does not have time to see the art exhibit
(B) He does not agree with the woman
(C) The map is not helpful
(D) The art exhibit was moved to a different building

7. M :hy you know a bunch of us started taking golf lessons and it's really fine we have a lesson tomorrow morning if you want to come along
W :why not I'm free in the morning and I'm always up for something new
what does women imply ?
(A) She will go to the golf lesson tomorrow
(B) She does not have time to play golf
(C) She also recently began taking golf lessons
(D) She can teach the man how to play golf

8. M :did Peter mention when he be coming back to campus ?
W :not to me but we're in the same biology class and we have a quiz tomorrow morning which I know he won't miss
what does the woman imply ?
(A) She does not know Peter very well
(B) She plans to study for the quiz with Peter
(C) She believes Peter forgot about tomorrow's quiz
(D) She expect to see peter tomorrow morning

9. M :well we have one last position on the Spanish club committee and I think we should ask Steven but I'm a little concerned that he has too much on his plate these days
W :maybe, I think you would still find time to do it
what do the speakers imply about Steven ?
(A) He is busy person
(B) He spends too much time with the Spanish club
(C) He is worried about his Spanish grades
(D) He wants to join another club

10. M :what's that you're playing for my container Mark I just went running and now I'm really dehydrated
W :just water her but there's an extra cup
what will the woman probably do next ?
(A) Share the man's water
(B) Buy something go drink
(C) Try to find an extra cup
(D) Go running with the man

11. :what did the director say about your missing so many rehearsals are you still going to play
:well she was very understanding but I have to know my lines by next rehearsal or she'll give me a smaller part
what will the woman probably do before the next rehearsal ?
(A) Ask to play a different character
(B) Tell the director she does not want to be in the play
(C) Write some new lines for the play
(D) Learn the lines of the lead character

TOlong dikasih sama penjelasan dikit ya biar paham

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. A. He Should Become a Tennis Coach

2. Antara A/D

3. A



1. Itukan yang disoal Si Woman Bilang Wow sekarang kamu akan menjadi Guru Tennis

2. Si Cowokkan Gk faham tentang Kelas bahasa cina si cewek juga gk faham. Mereka Berdua ingin ngambil Textnya aja biar Faham sebelum digunakan(intinya gitulah)

3. Itu Si cowok bilang Aku sangat stres Kerja didepan komputer Terus. sepertinya aku butuh liburan

si cewek bilang benar juga Kenapa aku tidak libur 1 hari Aq juga stres karna si cowok bikang gitu jadi si cewek juga pengen jdi jawabannya A

4. intinya Itu si Cowok Suka banget Sama Novel yang dia baca dan pengen nyelesaiin 5 Chapter tapi kata si cewek Paragrafnya panjang banget.


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Last Update: Sun, 03 Apr 22