Complete the sentences Using SOME and ANY. 1.I have..... Present

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari giovanigunawan63 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Complete the sentences Using SOME and ANY.1.I have..... Present for you

2.pras gave me.... Foods, for my pets.

3.Here's..... biscuits for your kids.

4.Andar took..... Pictures on his vacation.

5.Ria and Rini see.... animals in the zoo.

6.I would like..... Snacks now. puts..... Fruit in the refrigerator.

8.he doesn't have....... Manner.

9.lala doesn't own.... Novel, she only reads Comics.

10.There isn't...... good programs on tv lately.

11.There aren't...... Jam left for the bread.

12. Do you

13.I don't have..... Partner to celebrate my birthday.

14.zidan doesn't have..... good news to share.

15.have. you got...... Children?

pliss jawab pengen di kumpul sekarang !!!!​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. some

2. some

3. some

4. some

6. some

7. some

8. any


10. any

11 any

12 any.

13 any

14. any

15. any

ket. kata Any digunakan pada kalimat negatif dan kalimat tanya. cmiww

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Last Update: Thu, 03 Feb 22