3. Dika : I am ready for the final of

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dimassmp231 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

3. Dika : I am ready for the final of thebadminton championship.
Arian : You've practised hard so far.
I'm sure, you will win the
Dika: Thanks for your support.
Which expression is suitable to
complete the dialogue ....
a. I hope that I can buy a new racket.
b. I hope to do my best at the
C. I hope to send you at the
d. I hope to lose at the competition.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

3. B. I hope to do my best at the championship.


Congratulation is an expression that we use give the congratulate utterance when she/he be succed in doing someone.

Complimenting is an expression praise to others.

Completion question

Dika: I am ready for the finalof the badminton championship

Arian: You've practised hard so far. I'm sure, you will win the competition

Dika: Thanks for your support. ...

Which expression is suitable to complate the dialogue...

a. I hope that I can buy a new racket

b. I hope to do my best at the championship

c. I hope to send you at the championship

d. I hope to lose at the competition

  • ==> B. I hope to do my best at the championship

The dialogue above tells that Dika hopes that he can do best at the championship, so that is the answer I hope to do my best at the championship.


  • Hope is to want something to happen or be true.

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I hope this help:-)

*Details Answer*

  • Subject: English
  • Class: X
  • Chapter: 2 Expression Congratulation and Complimenting
  • Categorization code: 10.5.2
  • Keyword: Expressing Congratulation and Hope

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Last Update: Wed, 14 Jul 21