sebutkan tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang menyangkut

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari afrianabrmalau pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Sebutkan tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang menyangkut peristiwa bersejarah.Jelaskan masing² dlm bhs Inggris!!!

tolong dong ( ̄ヘ ̄)​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


understanding of the text of historical stories

historical narrative text is a text in which it explains facts and events that occurred in the past which are the background or origin of the occurrence of something where these events have historical value.

the meaning of the word text is written material for the basis of providing information. then the word story means a story or essay that describes how an event occurred. while the word history means events that actually happened in the past. It can be concluded that historical narrative text is a type of text that tells about facts or events in the past, and usually becomes a background or history. examples are news, biographies, Indonesian historical stories, etc.

a historical narrative text is an attempt to reconstruct events that occurred in the past. therefore, history cannot be used as a solution to solve all the problems faced today.

historical story text structure

below is the structure of the text of a historical story complete with an explanation.


this orientation is the first part of the structure of the historical narrative text. in this orientation section usually contains the introduction or opening of the historical narrative text itself.

sequence of events

the next part of the structure of the historical story text is the sequence of events. this section is a record of historical events that have occurred. in this section it is usually presented a chronological sequence of events in sequence.


the next sequence of historical narrative text structure is reorientation. This reorientation section contains the author's personal comments regarding the events or incidents being told. This section is basically an optional stage, it can be presented by the author of the historical narrative text or it can also not be conveyed.

linguistic rules of historical story text

In the language of the historical narrative text there are very prominent features which can be identified and marked as follows:

pronoun (pronoun)

A pronoun / pronoun is a type of word that is used to replace a noun / noun phrase and then indirectly give someone's name. my example, when, its, this.

adverb (adverbial phrase)

Adverbial phrase / adverb is a type of word that indicates an event, time, event and place. example this afternoon, last year, last week.

material verb (material verb)

verb material / verb material is a type of word that has a function to show a real action (activity) that has been done by the participant.

whereas in this material verb it denotes recognizable characteristics such as physical action / incident / event. examples of cooking, sweeping, reading and so on.

time conjunctions (temporal conjunctions)

time conjunction (temporal conjunction) is a type of word that functions to organize the sequence of events or events being told. and in this historical narrative text uses and makes use of temporal conjunctions.


maaf kl salah

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Last Update: Fri, 09 Jul 21