artilkan ke bahasa Indonesia paragraf iniToo and EnoughEnough and too

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Artilkan ke bahasa Indonesia paragraf iniToo and Enough
Enough and too are adverbs. Each has their own function and meaning. Take a look at the
difference between those two words below.
Enough means "sufficient", or "as much or many (of something) as necessary"
Too means "more than enough" or "more than is needed or wanted".
1. Enough means 'cukup! It places after adjectives and adverbs.
It isn't hot enough to go for a swim.
b. We're not moving quickly enough.
2. Enough can also be placed before nouns.
We have enough time.
b. There isn't enough flour to make cake.
1. Too means 'terlalu' and places before adjectives or adverbs.
It's too cold to go for a swim.
b. You're driving too fast.
2. We can place too before noun, but in the form too much or too many. Too much is
used before uncountable nouns. Too many is used before countable nouns.
a. You put too much sugar in my coffee.
b. There is too much poverty in the world.
There are too many people to fit in the car.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Terlalu dan Cukup

Cukup dan terlalu adalah kata keterangan. Masing-masing memiliki fungsi dan arti tersendiri. Lihatlah

perbedaan antara dua kata di bawah ini.

Cukup berarti "cukup", atau "sebanyak atau banyak (dari beberapa)

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Last Update: Tue, 26 Apr 22