company goes to to make its employees consistently happy. What

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari djunayanghelmi pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Company goes to to make its employees consistently happy. What follows are some examples of these remarkable perks and benefits.a. Reimbursement of up to $5000 to employees for legal expenses
b. Maternity benefits of a maximum of 18 weeks off at about 100 percent pay. The father
and mother of the newborn are given expenses of a maximum of $500 for take-out meals
in the initial 3 months they spend at home with the baby (Take-Out Benefits).
c. Financial support for adopting a child (Google’s Adoption Assistance)
d. On-site car wash, oil change, bike repair, dry cleaning, gym, massage therapy and hair
stylist are available at the company’s headquarters in Mountain View
e. At the Googleplex, there’s an onsite doctor and free fitness center and trainer and facility
to wash clothes among other benefits
f. Lunch and dinner is available free of charge, In addition, an assortment of delicious but
healthy meals are available every day, prepared by gourmet chefs.
Google’s employees are allowed greater discretion on their hours of work and also on when they can go and have some fun whether it involves getting a massage, heading to the gym or just indulging in volleyball. In addition, the firm allows each of its employees to give 20 percent of his time (1 day every week) to doing anything they like. This can range from assisting with another project to even just sleeping. Anything that is ethical and lawful is okay with Google.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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Anything that is ethical and lawful is okay with Google.

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Last Update: Wed, 09 Mar 22