Answer these questions based on the text It was Sunday Morning

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari jkajsdjadjasda pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Answer these questions based on the textIt was Sunday Morning January 2nd 2009. My friend and I went to the beach after studying hard. We wanted to refresh our mind and enjoy the fresh air. We went there early in the morning by car. Many people were there when we arrived. After parking the car, we walked alone the beach barefoot. We could feel the smoothness of the sand. The cold sea water touches our feet. Then, we looked for a place to take a rest. We rolled out the mat on the ground and had meals together. While eating, we saw many things. We Also saw some people sunbathe. After having meals, we were interested in doing the same thing, we were so happy and really enjoyed that day. Question :
1. What does the text tell about ?

2. When did they go to the beach?

3. Where did they take a rest ? *

4. Observe the generic structure of the text above. - Orientation : - Event 1 - Event 2 - Event 3 - Event 4 -Reorientation *

5. Find the Past tense verb ( kata kerja ke 2 ) in the text above *
di jawab ya

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coba translatein aja di google biar kamu ngerti

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Last Update: Fri, 30 Jul 21