Farmers in Yogyakarta’s Sleman regency have complained over the weekend

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mellivee pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Farmers in Yogyakarta’s Sleman regency have complained over the weekend that thousands of their chickens have died due to an unidentified in the past view days.Apart of inflicting millions of rupiah in losses on farmers in the region, the outbreak of the mysterious viral disease, has discouraged them from breeding.
The farmers who are still puzzled by the outbreak said that the diseases killed chickens at a rapid pace. “ The first outbreak occurred five days ago. The chickens looked fine in the morning, but later in the afternoon, they died. The outbreak was so severe that most chickens in our village died, “ Anto, one of the farmers in Pakem, Sleman told the Jakarta Post.
He said that the most immediate symptoms of of the illness were that the chickens salivated and died in hours. “Fluid also comes out of the chickens’ anus. It was like people suffering from diarrhea,” Anto said.
An official from Hargobinangun sub district office, Kisno, said that the mysterious disease has cast a specter over five villages in Pakem district, Candibinangun, Harjobinangun, Pakembinangun, Purwobinangun and Hargobinangun.

1. The text mainly tells us about …. *
a. The complaint of farmers in Yogyakarta
b. The losses of millions of rupiah
c. The severe outbreak of a mysterious disease
d. Slamet Susanto who is one of the farmers in Sleman

2. Based on this text , the farmers in the regency of Sleman …. *
a. Don’t have enthusiasm to breed chickens
b. Have lost all of their chickens
c. Interviewed the Jakarta Post reporter
d. Will soon breed chickens again

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. a complaint farmer

2. b have all lost all of their chicken

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Last Update: Mon, 03 Jan 22