Kevin : "Hello, my name is Kevin." Andra : "Hi, I

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Liziamarcia pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Kevin : "Hello, my name is Kevin."Andra : "Hi, I am Andra."

Kevin : "It is nice to meet you. Welcome to SMK Budi Utomo.

Andra : "Thank you, it is nice to meet you too.

Have Kevin and Andra known each other before?

Yes, they have

No, they have not

No, they are not

Yes, they do

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Pembahasan :

Yang diketahui :

Percakapan kevin dan andra :

Kevin : "Hello, my name is Kevin."

Andra : "Hi, I am Andra."

Kevin : "It is nice to meet you. Welcome to SMK Budi Utomo.

Andra : "Thank you, it is nice to meet you too.

Yang ditanya ialah :

Have Kevin and Andra known each other before?

Apakah kevin dan andra sudah saling kenal sebelumnya?

Jawaban :

Opsi => B Yaitu = No, they have not

Pengertian :

\boxed{ \tt \: B.) \: No, they \: have \: not}

(Because from the conversation we can see that Kevin and Andra introduce theirself for the first time, beside it Andra welcome Kevin to join SMK Budi Utomo. so we conclude that thay haven't known each other before).


Kesimpulan :

Have Kevin and Andra known each other before?

= B. No, they have not ✅


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Last Update: Tue, 01 Mar 22