Read the dialogue, then answer the questions! (Miko and Mini

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari pramuditapalupi47 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Read the dialogue, then answer the questions!(Miko and Mini are twins. They have just finished jogging. They are sitting on a bench in the park near to their house.)

Miko : Do you see that girl?
Mini : Which girl?
Miko : The girl who is sitting under the big tree.
Mini : Oh, she is Linda.
Miko : I didn't think you know her name. I never saw her before.
Mini : Of course, she doesn't live around. It's her first time to come to this park.
Miko : How do you know that?
Mini : I know her very well.
Miko: Really? She is cute.
Mini : Do you have a crush on her?
Miko : No. But, I admire her beauty.
Mini : You know what? The girl, whom you admire, is my classmate.
Miko : Well, you must introduce me to her.
Mini : Okay.

1. What do Miko and Mini talk about? HOTS
Answer: .....
2. What type of relative clause is used in the underlined sentence?
3. What type of relative clause is used in the italic sentence? Answer:
4. Who is Linda?
5. Who will introduce Miko to Linda?

Underlined Sentence : The girl who is sitting under the big tree.
Italic Sentence : The girl, whom you admire, is my classmate. ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. What do Miko and Mini talk about? HOTS

Answer: They talk about Linda, Mini’s classmate.

2. What type of relative clause is used in the underlined sentence?

Answer: Relative pronouns. Who: Refers to a person (as the verb’s subject).

3. What type of relative clause is used in the italic sentence?

Answer: Relative pronouns. Whom: Refers to a person (as the verb’s object)

4. Who is Linda?

Answer: Linda is Mini’s classmate.

5. Who will introduce Miko to Linda?

Answer: Mini is the one who will introduce Miko to Linda.

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Last Update: Tue, 18 Jan 22