Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari sintiasaputri0831 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Last month I spent my holiday at my uncle’s house. My uncle is a farmer. He goes to the field every morning and afternoon. He also looks after cattle behind his house.I preferred staying at his house during the holiday becuse my parents were always busy with their work. I was lonely at home. I went to my uncle’s house on the first day of my holiday.

There, I woke up early and helped my cousin feed the cows and chickens. After that, I joined my uncle’s family at the field. We harvested chillies. I helped them pick the chillies and choose the good ones. Then, my aunt and I went to the market to sell them. My aunt bought food and other supplies. They were so delicious.

I did the same activities for a week. I liked spending my holiday there, but I had to returd to school.

a. Where did the writer spend his/her holiday ?

b. How did the writer feel when he/she lived with his/her uncle’s family ?

c. Looking for 5 VERB 2 from the text above.

kak bantu jawab ya

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

a) the writer spent his/her holiday at his/her uncle's house.

b) the writer liked spending his/her holiday there.

c) verb 2:

  • spent
  • woke up
  • helped
  • joined
  • went



彡 jawaban nomor 1 ada di bagian teks:

Last month I spent my holiday at my uncle’s house. My uncle is a farmer. He goes to the field every morning and afternoon. He also looks after cattle behind his house.


the writer spent his/her holiday at his/her uncle's house.

  • penulis cerita menghabiskan liburannya di rumah pamannya.

彡 jawaban nomor 2 ada di bagian teks:

I did the same activities for a week. I liked spending my holiday there, but I had to return to school.


the writer liked spending his/her holiday there.

  • penulis suka dengan liburannya di sana.

彡 di nomor 3 diminta mencari kata kerja bentuk verb 2. berikut beberapa kata kerja yang ada dalam teks:

  • spent (menghabiskan)
  • woke up (bangun tidur)
  • helped (membantu)
  • joined (bergabung)
  • went (pergi)


\blue{\colorbox{purple}{\tt semoga \: membantu, \: ya!}}

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Last Update: Sat, 31 Jul 21