Raina to buy her sister a new shoes and dress.she

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Raina to buy her sister a new shoes and dress.she heard that at the___,there is an____sale.so,is going tobuse thesbopportonity.further more,she heard that the discount is big.fashion up____,shoes,___bags,___she plans to go there at 4 p.m.she takes easy because the place is not too fror and it opens from___to____

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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Raina wants to buy her sister a new shoes and dress. she heard that at the mal, there is an ongoing sale. so, she is going to use this opportonity. further more,she heard that the discount is big. fashion up____,shoes,___bags,___she plans to go there at 4 p.m.she takes easy because the place is not too far and it opens from 8 a.mto9 p.m


maaf tidak bisa bantu semua. semoga membantu

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Last Update: Fri, 09 Jul 21