Study the following words:If --more --than --3 minutes you--be-- overcooked

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari sitisuwarni044 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Study the following words:If --more --than --3 minutes you--
be-- overcooked -- boil-- the
noodle -- it --will The above
words can be written into a
good sentence as follows ... *

A. If it boil the noodle more than 3
minutes, you will be overcooked.

B. If you boil the noodle more than 3
minutes, it will be overcooked.

C. You will be overcooked it if boil
the noodle more than 3 minutes.

D. You boil the noodle if it will be
overcooked more than 3 minutes.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


B. If you boil the noodle more than 3 minutes, it will be overcooked.


Study the following words:If -- more -- than -- 3 minutes -- you -- be -- overcooked -- boil -- the noodle -- it -- will The above words can be written into a good sentence as follows If you boil the noodle more than 3 minutes, it will be overcooked.


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Last Update: Tue, 20 Jul 21