Susunlah kalimat acak dibawah ini dengan benar)How to Prepare Fried

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Susunlah kalimat acak dibawah ini dengan benar)How to Prepare Fried Rice

1. Finally, cut up a cucumber into thin slices and place the slices on stop

2. At the same time cook the rice in another pan

3. First, cut up the meat into very small pieces and fry it in a pan

4. Then, cut up the onions and garlic and fry them.

5. The best vegetables to use are onions, garlic, tomatoes and cucumber

6. When the rice is cooked add it to the meat and the vegetables.

7. Serve the fried rice with hot sauce, if you like.

8. Now, you can break in two or three eggs

9. To make fried rice you will need some rice, vegetables, meat and eggs.

10. Stir the mixture and add salt, pepper and other spices.

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Last Update: Wed, 29 Dec 21