1. Rita is 14 years old, Laras is 13 years

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari agussupriyanyo086 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. Rita is 14 years old, Laras is 13 years Anisa. Rina is i5 years old. We can say that Rina is the .......of all. *A. old

B. oldest

C. Youngest

D. Young

2. Santi’s shoes is Rp 300.000, Ani’s Shoes is Rp 250.000. Selfi’s shoes is Rp 350.000,We can say that Santi’s shoes is ....Than Ani’s shoes. *

A. More expensive Cheap

B. Most expensive


D, Cheap

3. Junaedi has three pencils, Anang has five pencils.Junaedi’s pencils are .....than Anang’s pencil. *

A. . fewer .

B. fewest

C. a few

D. few

4. We .....to the station to catch the train this moning *

A. hurry

B. hurries

C. hurried

D. hurrying

5. My Brother ....when he fell off his bike yesterday. *

A. cry

B. cried

C. crying

D. was crying

6. Rina got 90 for English text. Dian got 80 for English text. from the sentence, We know that Rina got .....score than Dian.. *



C. better

D. the best

7. My mother was angry when she ..... the broken vase *

A. See

B. Saw

C. Seen

D. Seeing

8. We ..... away on vacation last month *

A. Were

B. Are

C. Was

D. Is

9. The plane .......ten minutes ago. *

A. Landing

B. Landed

C. Lands

D. Land

10 My cousin..... us last summer *

A. Visit

B. Visited

C. Visits

D. Visiting

11. My mother……at the hospital last Week. *

A. were not

B. was not

C.is not

D.are not

12. Armin is 160 centimetres tall. Rudi is 160 centimetres tall. We Know that Armin is as .......as Rudi *

A. tall

B. big

C. Long

D. Fat

13. My grandmather ….. a farmer ten years old. *

A. Is

B. Are

C. were

D. was

14. Ridwan has 10 books, Arief Has 20 Books. Randa has 15 books. We know that Arief has the ......books of them. *

A. more

B. most

C. fewer.

D. fewest

Jangan ngasal Atau Ku Report
Point banyak.
Selamat mengerjakan

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. b) oldest

2. cheapest

3. fewer

4. need to hurry


6. better

7. saw

8. were

9. b

10. b


12. a




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Last Update: Mon, 26 Jul 21