lirik lagu MY treasure - Treasure weary skylightwhen the sun

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari greciakim pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Lirik lagu MY treasure - Treasureweary skylight
when the sun goes to sleep
and the wind blows
it's all passing by
like waking up from a dream
let's be new again
it's alright, it's going to be fine

my heart is hazy
i can't breathe, it's feels stuffy
i wanna go back to the good times
ha, sighs keep coming up
i want to easily turn on any music
and dance with you

when the rain stops
just like the clear sky waiting for us
a better day will come
spring comes after winter ends
flowers will bloom wherever you go as if to see you
it's gonna be alright (c'mon)

don't worry
smile at me warmly once more
ayy, with passion ,oh
you're prettier when you smile
cheer up we will eventually shine light
ayy , open your eyes, oh
you're the only one treasure

if it doesn't work out, who cares? just start over
don't cry anymore
when tomorrow comes your existence will shine light
you're the only one treasure
it's all good day

a descolate world the atmosphere is too deep i'm thirsty for happiness, i want an oasis i need it, pray in the sky
we can believe like we always did never lose your smile
we'll come back to the day we were happy, we're gonna be okay

when the rain stops and the sunny day comes we'll be happy, yeah you always come to me and hold my hand
even tears will help don't worry about anything do whatever you want any way you like just enjoy
as if you're showing it to others
it's gonna be alright (C'mon)

don't worry
smile at me warmly once more
ayy, with passion ,oh
you're prettier when you smile
cheer up we will eventually shine light
ayy , open your eyes, oh
you're the only one treasure

after the dark dawn
the sun that was asleep will rise when it shines on us the fading happiness and the love that didn't bloom will grow back again
never give up ( My Treasure)
all we need is love

don't worry
smile at me warmly once more
you're prettier when you smile
cheer up just for me
you'll shine brighter
you're the only one
you're my treasure

if it doesn't work out, who cares? just start over
don't cry anymore
when tomorrow comes your existence will shine light
you're the only one treasure
if you can't do it, who cares? just start over
laugh out loud
when tomorrow comes your existence will shine light
you're the only one treasure

kata adjective dari lagu di atas apa aja?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Adjective dari lagu di atas adalah

  1. New
  2. Fine
  3. Hazy
  4. Stuffy
  5. Good
  6. Clear
  7. Better
  8. alright
  9. Prettier
  10. Thirsty
  11. Happy


Adjective atau kata sifat adalah kata yang menerangkan kata benda. Oleh karena itu, kata sifat letaknya berada di depan kata benda jika dalam satu frasa. Sedangkan pada nominal, kata sifat letaknya setelah auxiliary verb.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai adjective pada


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Last Update: Wed, 30 Jun 21