mohon bantuannya yah teman teman​

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari kpunu15 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Mohon bantuannya yah teman teman​
mohon bantuannya yah teman teman​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Questions with like (Grammar 10.3)

2. a. Make questions with these words.

1. What's his name?

2. What does he look like?

3. What does he like doing?

4. What's he like?

5. How are you?

b. Read the conversation. Fill in the gaps with the questions from 2a.

a. How are you?

b. What's he like?

c. What does he look like?

d. What does he like doing?

e. What's his name?

Review be and have got

3. a. Read about these models. Fill in the gaps with 's got (= has got), 've got (= have got), 's (= is), or was.

  • Natalia Vodianova wasborn in Russia in 1982 and she started modelling when shewas 15. Natalia moved to Paris when she was 17 and soon become a famous model. She is 1.76 m tall and she's got light brown hair and blue eyes. She is married to an Englishman, Justin Portman, and they've got three children.
  • Lily Cole was born in Torquay, in the UK, im 1988. She is very tall and she's got blue eyes. She started modelling when she was fourteen years old. She is very slim and attractive, and she's got long red hair. Lily was also an actrees and she studied History of Art at Cambridge University.
  • Adriana Lima was born in Salvador, Brazil, in 1981. She won the 'Supermodel of Brazil' competition when she was only 15. She's got brown hair and blue eyes, and she is 1.78 m tall. She is married to Marco Jarić, a famous basketball player. They've got one daughter.

b. Read about the models again. Answer these questions.

1. Natalia

2. Lily

3. Adriana

4. Lily

5. Adriana

6. Natalia

7. Adriana

Hope that this answer helps you! ^_^

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Last Update: Mon, 02 Aug 21