27.The text mainly discussesA.how to make a paper maskB.how to

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari 1959hastuti pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

27.The text mainly discussesA.how to make a paper mask

B.how to cut the paper using scissors

C.the materials needed to make a mask
D. the steps of using a paper mark

28.What kind of paper do we need to make the mask?
A thick
B thin
C soft
D hard

29. What do we need to make the holes on
the eyes?

A. A cutter. B A pair of scissors.
B. A pair of scissors
C. A trowel
D. A sharp knife

30 To fix the mask on your face, you should
A hook the rubber bands on your ears
B.cut the holes on the eyes
C.cut a big hole on the mouth
D.Tie the rubber bands on your nose

31.The following statements are true EXCEPT
A when cutting the face, you must follow the line
B you must use thick peper to make the mask
C you must use three rubber bands to make the mask
D When making holes on the eyes, you
must use a cutter

itu Teks nya​
27.The text mainly discussesA.how to make a paper maskB.how to cut the paper using scissors C.the materials needed to make a maskD. the steps of using a paper mark28.What kind of paper do we need to make the mask?A thickB thinC soft D hard29. What do we need to make the holes onthe eyes?A. A cutter. B A pair of scissors.B. A pair of scissorsC. A trowelD. A sharp knife30 To fix the mask on your face, you should A hook the rubber bands on your ears B.cut the holes on the eyes C.cut a big hole on the mouth D.Tie the rubber bands on your nose31.The following statements are true EXCEPT A when cutting the face, you must follow the line B you must use thick peper to make the maskC you must use three rubber bands to make the maskD When making holes on the eyes, youmust use a cutteritu Teks nya​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


27. A

28. A

29. A

30. A

31. C

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Last Update: Thu, 03 Feb 22