Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Rara31634 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas
3. Mention three activities done by the writer's father after waking up?
4. What are proofs that the writer's father concerned about his appearance?
5. What are main aspects in his life?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan
Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.
My Father
- I have a father who loves his family so much. My father's name is Bahari Supratman. His height is 180 cm. He has a curly hair, a sharp nose, and big eyes. His skin is brown. He has a muscular body. Based on those physical description, you would think that he is a descendant from Arab. In fact, he is not. I also wonder why his body and face can be very similar to the Arabs.
- My father is neat and discipline person. He gets up at dawn time; goes to the mosque to pray together; reads the Quran; then takes a shower. Dad never takes a bath too late. He always keeps his body clean by taking a bath early in the morning. However, before taking a bath, he always waters the flowers and cleans the front yard and backyard. For him cleanliness and tidiness are main things in life. Dad is also very concerned about his appearance. Every three days he shaves his beard and mustache. Then, once a month he always shaves his hair is always short and neat. Although most people with curly hair like when their hair is long, he prefers a very short hair because he thinks it will be more managable.
- My father works in a large corporation not too far from my home. During 10 years, working in that company, I think he never comes late because he is very discipline. He goes to his work at 06:30 AM and fifteen minutes later he arrives at his office. I think he leaves home too early, but my father once said that he will never regret it if he comes too early and then he is alone in the office. Meanwhile, he regrets when he comes too late and start all work in a hurry.
1. Siapa nama ayah penulis?
- Jawaban: Bahari Supratman
- Keterangan: Berdasarkan kalimat kedua dalam paragraf pertama yang artinya "Nama ayah saya adalah Bahari Supratman."
2. Sebutkan penampilan fisik ayah penulis!
- Jawaban: His height is 180 cm. He has a curly hair, a sharp nose, and big eyes. His skin is brown. He has a muscular body.
- Keterangan: Berdasarkan teks ciri penampilan fisik ayah si penulis terdapat pada kalimat ketiga yang artinya "Tingginya 180 cm. Dia memiliki rambut keriting, hidung mancung, dan mata besar. Kulitnya berwarna coklat. Dia memiliki tubuh yang berotot."
3. Sebutkan tiga kegiatan yang dilakukan ayah penulis setelah bangun tidur?
- Jawaban: He goes to the mosque to pray together; reads the Quran; then takes a shower
- Keterangan: Setelah dia bangun, 3 kegiatannya adalah (1) pergi ke masjid untuk berdoa bersama; (2) membaca Alquran; (3) lalu mandi.
4. Apa bukti bahwa ayah penulis peduli dengan penampilannya?
- Jawaban: Every three days he shaves his beard and mustache. Then, once a month he always shaves his hair is always short and neat
- Keterangan: Ayah si penulis sangat memperhatikan penampilannya. Buktinya, yaitu Setiap tiga hari dia mencukur jenggot dan kumisnya. Lalu, sebulan sekali dia selalu mencukur rambutnya selalu pendek dan rapi.
5. Apa aspek utama dalam hidupnya?
- Jawaban: he will never regret it if he comes too early and then he is alone in the office.
- Keterangan: ayah si penulis pernah berkata bahwa "dia tidak akan pernah menyesal jika dia datang terlalu awal dan kemudian dia sendirian di kantor." Itulah prinsip hidupnya.
Soal Reading:
Kelas: 10
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Materi: Reading
Kode: 10.5
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Last Update: Wed, 05 Jan 22