jawab pertanyaan dengan benar ! Questions:1. Who are invited to

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ratuazizah7287 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Jawab pertanyaan dengan benar !Questions:
1. Who are invited to Michael’s party?
2. Where does it take place?
Answer :
3. When does the party begin?
Answer :
4. What does the party promise to be?
Answer :
5. What does “sublime” mean?
Answer :​
jawab pertanyaan dengan benar ! Questions:1. Who are invited to Michael’s party?Answer:2. Where does it take place?Answer :3. When does the party begin?Answer :4. What does the party promise to be?Answer :5. What does “sublime” mean?Answer :​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



vity 1

Today is Michael's birthday and we're all invited to his party. Michael

for his invitation card. It is a unique and cheerful poem. Read the

and we're all very excited

We can't wait to see you,


Cheerfully Invited

It's Michael's

You are


cheerfully invited

The party will begin,

at exactly 6 o'clock.

do greeting cards took


- y

to catch up and talk.



555 Park Avenue West,

will be easy to find.

Please write it down,


you can't keep it in mind.

It will be a great celebration,

and a wonderful time.

The memories we'll make,

shall be truly sublime.


1. Who are invited to Michael's party?

2. Where does it take place?

3. When does the party begin?

4. What does the party promise to be?

5. What does "sublime" mean?





Interactive English 2

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Last Update: Tue, 08 Feb 22