Read the text to answer the question! Long ago, people didn't

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dyaniaudreybelinda pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Read the text to answer the question!Long ago, people didn't use bank cards, paper money, or coins to buy things. They bartered with livestock and grain, exchanging them for the things they needed. Over time, people started using other things as money, such as cowrie shells. They exchanged the shells for food, animals, and other goods. Then, metal coins were made and finally paper money. The story of paper money is fascinating one. The use of bank notes started in the Tang Dynasty. The Tang dynasty existed in China from AD 618-907.

What is the text about?

a. Tang Dynasty in China
b. Bartering around the world
c. The story of cowrie shells
d. The history of money

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d. The history of money


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Last Update: Mon, 07 Mar 22