READING Task 4 Read the following sentences and identify the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari w00nnie pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Read the following sentences and identify the function of each sentence!
1. I'm sorry for shouting at you. I shouldn't have raised my voice.
2. You should have told them the truth.
3. You shouldn't have gone there.
4. I should have invited the neighbours to the party. They were so offended.
5. You shouldn't have said things like that to her. It really upset her.
6. You should have given your boss the report yesterday when he asked for it.
7. Susan should have arrived in New York last week. Let's call her.
8. I should have posted that letter yesterday itself, but I forgot.
9. she should have knocked that at the door before entering the room.
10. they should have informed his parents that we was unwell.

tolong bantu jawab ya yang ga bisa jawab diem ajaa.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Read the following sentences and identify the function of each sentence!

1. I'm sorry for shouting at you. I shouldn't have raised my voice. Apologizing

2. You should have told them the truth. Expressing Regret

3. You shouldn't have gone there. Expressing Regret

4. I should have invited the neighbours to the party. They were so offended. Expressing Regret

5. You shouldn't have said things like that to her. It really upset her. Expressing Regret

6. You should have given your boss the report yesterday when he asked for it. Expressing Regret

7. Susan should have arrived in New York last week. Let's call her. Giving Suggestion

8. I should have posted that letter yesterday itself, but I forgot. Expressing Regret

9. she should have knocked that at the door before entering the room. Expressing Regret

10. they should have informed his parents that we was unwell. Expressing Regret


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Apologizing (meminta maaf), Expressing Regret (menyatakan penyesalan) dan Giving Suggestion (memberikan saran).

Apologizing (meminta maaf) selalu terdapat ekspresi "I'm sorry"

Giving Suggestion (memberikan saran): "Let's call her!"

Expressing Regret (menyatakan penyesalan):

(+) Subject + Should + Have + Verb-3 + Object

(-) Subject + Should + not + Have + Verb-3 + Object

Semoga membantu ya.

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Last Update: Mon, 17 Jan 22