Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari sebodsamsudin105 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas
ClothesYou will need:
- Clothes to be ironed
- Electric iron
- Clothes hangers
1. Plug the iron into the wall plug, wait until it hot.
2. Prepare some covering pads.
3. When the iron is hot enough, take one cloth and put it on the pads.
4. Press the iron to the cloth, follow the line of fabric. Make sure that the iron is not too hot.
5. Move the iron forward and backward until the cloth is neat.
6. Put the cloth onto the clothes hanger.
Why the iron cannot be too hot?
Because it is unplug
Because it will not make the clothes neat
Because it will be broken
Because it can burn the clothes
- Clothes to be ironed
- Electric iron
- Clothes hangers
1. Plug the iron into the wall plug, wait until it hot.
2. Prepare some covering pads.
3. When the iron is hot enough, take one cloth and put it on the pads.
4. Press the iron to the cloth, follow the line of fabric. Make sure that the iron is not too hot.
5. Move the iron forward and backward until the cloth is neat.
6. Put the cloth onto the clothes hanger.
Why the iron cannot be too hot?
Because it is unplug
Because it will not make the clothes neat
Because it will be broken
Because it can burn the clothes
Jawaban dan Penjelasan
Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.
Why the iron cannot be too hot?
D. because it can burn the clothes
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Last Update: Mon, 26 Jul 21