Why Students Should Manage Their StressStress among student can be

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Why Students Should Manage Their StressStress among student can be caused by interpersonal which includes the factor like relationships with family and friend or because of the academic itself. The workload of college, difficult tests, and other academic obstacles may also lead to stress. Thus, stress among students can be dangerous for several reasons. Firstly, the major negative effect of stress is on emotional health.
Emotional health problem is more dangerous than physical health problem because it can lead to most disastrous effects of all that is committing suicide. Emotional or mental health is an expression of our emotions and signifies a failure adaptation to the range of demands in life. The stressful life events can lead to all the failure just by conquering our mind. Thus, it is very important to maintain our mental and emotional health because once our emotional health was disturbed, it can lead to a variety of diseases such as depression, anxiety, emotional eating, anger and so on.
The second disastrous effect of stress on an individual especially students is on academic performance. This effect affected students beyond their thinking. Once they are under stress they have difficulty to concentrate on their study and finally their result will ruin because they cannot do well in their exams. That is how their academic performance shows such negative improvement from day to day because they cannot manage their stress well. Therefore, stress can be dangerous to a student’s life. For those reasons, we should find the causes of stress which we are going through, know the bad effect that we may face and take actions to manage them.

Why the students should manage their stress?
Write your five opinions about the text!
What should the parents do to help the students?

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what the students should manage your stres ?

answer : because stress among students can be dangerous for several reasons

write your opinion about the text ?

answer : stress and students is dangerous. stress only create negative impact. students need help to manage their stress. stress make studenta difficult to conscentrate. and stress can be make students get sick.

what should the parents do to help the students ?

answer : parents need to face and take actions to manage them.

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Last Update: Thu, 08 Jul 21