Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dewidiponegoro88 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas
2. The children visit the museum every holiday.
3. You and I always go to school together by bike
4. Marina sings a birthday song at the party.
5. Lions run very fast
6. The cat sleeps under the bed
7. Lisa likes to eat candies too much
8. You watch tv everyday
9. People buy and sell everything in the market.
10. The boys play basketball after a meeting.
Tolong dong Mbak / Mas
Akan Saya kasih Poin Banyak Kok

Jawaban dan Penjelasan
Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.
1. My Mother works at the hospital as a nurse.
(-) My Mother doesn't work at the hospital as a nurse.
(?) Does My mother work at the hospital as a nurse?
2. The children visit the museum every holiday.
(-)The children don't visit the museum every holiday.
(?) Dothe childrenvisit the museum every holiday?
3. You and I always go to school together by bike
(-) You and I don't always go to school together by bike
(?) Do you and I always go to school together by bike?
4. Marina sings a birthday song at the party.
(-) Marina doesn't sing a birthday song at the party.
(?) Does Marina sing a birthday song at the party?
5. Lions run very fast
(-) Lions don't run very fast
(?) Do lions run very fast?
6. The cat sleeps under the bed
(-) The cat doesn't sleep under the bed
(?) Doesthe catsleep under the bed?
7. Lisa likes to eat candies too much
(-) Lisa doesn't like to eat candies too much
(?) DoesLisalike to eat candies too much?
8. You watch tv everyday
(-) You don't watch tv every day
(?) Doyouwatch tv every day?
9. People buy and sell everything in the market.
(-) People don't buy and sell everything in the market.
(?) DoPeoplebuy and sell everything in the market?
10. The boys play basketball after a meeting.
(-) The boys don't play basketball after a meeting.
(?) Do The boys play basketball after a meeting?
Semua kalimat soal ini adalam tense simple present tense
Dalam simple present tense, struktur kalimat positive (seperti soal) adalah:
subjek + verb1 + objek + keterangan (kalau ada)
verb1 akan mengalami penambahan -esatau-s di akhir kata tersebut jika subjek kalimatnya adalah:
- He/She/It
- Singular noun, contohnya a cat, my friend, my mother (soal nomor 1), nama satu orang (soal 4 dan 7), The cat (soal nomor 6),
- Uncountable noun, contohnya water, milk, sand dst
Contoh: He goes, the cat runs, Lisa likes, water drops
verb1 tidak ditambahkan -esatau-s jika subjek kalimatnya adalah:
- I
- You
- We
- They
- plural noun, misalnya Lions (soal 5), People (soal 9), The oys (soal 10), You and I (soal 3), the children (soal 2)
Dalam membentuk kalimat negatif, kita sisipkanauxiliary verbyang dalam hal ini adalah doataudoesdan ditambahkan dengannot (untuk menambahkan arti negatifnya) . Mana yang menggunakan do dan mana yang menggunakan does, sama dengan kaidah penggunaan verb di atas, karena (does adalah do+ -es)
Begitu juga dalam bentuk kalimat interrogative (?), kita tambahkan Do atau does di awal kalimat, dan diakhiri dengan tanda tanya.
Kita lihat kembali soal 1
1. My Mother works at the hospital as a nurse.
(-) My Mother doesn't (bentuk singkat dari does + not) work at the hospital as a nurse.
(?) Does My mother work at the hospital as a nurse?
Kenapa pakai does? Karena sesuai kaidah, untuk subjek He/She/It dan singular noun/uncountable noun, ditambahkan -es -s
Dalam soal ini subjek kalimatnya adalah My mother (singular noun)
Perhatikan bahwa karena dalam kalimat negatif dan interogatif sudah ditambahkan do/does, maka verb utama kalimat itu, dalam kalimat negatif dan interogatif, tidak mendapatkan penambahan huruf -es atau-s lagi.
1. My Mother works at the hospital as a nurse.
(-) My Mother doesn't work at the hospital as a nurse.
(?) DoesMy motherwork at the hospital as a nurse?
Di sini karena subjek kalimat My mother, maka verbnya dalam kalimat positif, ditambahkan s (work => works)tapi dalam kalimat negatif dan interogatif work nya tidak mendapatkan penambahan-es atau-s , karena penambahan itu sudah terjadi di auxiliary verb yang disisipkan (do => does)
Semoga bermanfaat
Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh JRPUR dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.
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Last Update: Thu, 25 Aug 22