Honey Bee Honey bee is the name given to some species

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Honey BeeHoney bee is the name given to some species of bees who have the ability to produce honey and beeswax. Of all 20.000 species of bees in the world, there are only seven species which belong to the group of honey bee. They are insect and all of them belong to the genus Apis. One of the most famous honey bee is the Western Honey Bee.
There are three castes of honey bee and each of them has their own job or function. The first one is the Queen. The queen is a female honey bee with the job to lay eggs and to be the mother of all bees in the colony. There is only one queen in a colony of bees. An exclusive food called “royal jelly” is what makes a female honey bee grow larger than other honey bees and became the queen. The second one is the Workers. The workers are all female honey bees in a colony except the queen. They can consist of as much as 60.000 bees in single colony. Some of their duties are: feeding the brood, collecting food, receiving nectar, cleaning the hive, guard duty, producing honey and also producing beeswax. The third one is the Drones. Drones are all male bees in a colony. The drones have one job only and that is to fertilize the queen during the mating process and will soon be dead after that.
The largest species of bee in the world is the Indonesian resin bee who can grow up to the size of 39 millimetres and the smallest species is the Dwarf stingless bees with the size of 2 millimetres. They have the typical body of an insect with three sections: the head, thorax and abdomen. They have two large eyes, two antenna, a mouth and a long proboscis on their head. They use the proboscis to suck up nectar from a flower which later be kept on their hind legs. There are three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings on their thorax. There are nine segments on their abdomen and the last three segments is modified into the sting.
1. what does the second paragraph talk about?
2. “…the most famous honey bee… The synonym of ‘famous’ is . . .
3. What are the parts of insect’s body ?
4. Why does female honey bee grow larger than other ?

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1 i'm not

2 what. you

3 i'm not he

4 i'm yes I don't

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Last Update: Mon, 23 May 22