B. Read the following text and answer the question!Next Friday

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari junan080420 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

B. Read the following text and answer the question!Next Friday is going to be my niece's birthday party. She will turn 8 years old. We are going to have a simple but awesome birthday party.

Her mother gave us the idea to celebrate her daughter's birthday last week. She is a creative woman, so she wants to include art and crafts. In other words, everything for the party will be handmade.

Everyone has their own job. My sister and I will paint some ornaments. My niece's mother will decide the theme and tell us what to make. We'll paint, cut, glue, draw, and do many more creative activities. We are going to do it tomorrow. My father will provide a karaoke bar and my mother will make the birthday cake and prepare the beverages as well. I believe it will be the coolest birthday party we ever had.​

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Last Update: Mon, 24 Jan 22