7 When the earthquake hit the city, I was sleeping soundly

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nanimregameregames pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

7 When the earthquake hit the city, I was sleeping soundly so I didn’t know what was happening. Hard noises from outside woke me up. I heard people screaming frightened. First, I thought there was a robber caught in the act, but then I heard my mother screaming that it was an earthquake. I jumped out of my bed and ran downstairs. I felt the floor shaking hard under my feet. All I could think was just getting out of the house. My mind was totally blank. When I got outside, I saw a lot of people in uniforms working together helping people. I noticed there were some people getting injured. After a few minutes, we went back to our house. All of us were very scared. Fortunately, our house was not badly damaged. The floor of our garage was cracked, but the other parts of the house were fine. The most important thing, my family and I were fine. When I got home, I realized that I hadn’t removed my black mud mask.What is the twist of the story?
a. The writer woke up out because his mother screamed
b. They went back to the house, felt exhausted and scared
c. The writer’s mind was totally blank when he ran out of house
d. The writer wore black mud mask on his face during his staying outside
e. The writer was totally blind for everything

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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D. The writer wore black mud mask on his face during his staying outside


When the earthquake hit the city, I was sleeping soundly so I didn’t know what was happening. Hard noises from outside woke me up. I heard people screaming frightened. First, I thought there was a robber caught in the act, but then I heard my mother screaming that it was an earthquake. I jumped out of my bed and ran downstairs. I felt the floor shaking hard under my feet. All I could think was just getting out of the house. My mind was totally blank. When I got outside, I saw a lot of people in uniforms working together helping people. I noticed there were some people getting injured. After a few minutes, we went back to our house. All of us were very scared. Fortunately, our house was not badly damaged. The floor of our garage was cracked, but the other parts of the house were fine. The most important thing, my family and I were fine. When I got home, I realized that I hadn’t removed my black mud mask

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Last Update: Tue, 27 Jul 21