1.What do you call a person who makes furniture from

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari berkatsembiring33 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1.What do you call a person who makes furniture from Wood?a.a plumber
b.a carpenter
c.a sailor
d.an architect
2.Where does the teacher work?
a.In a local school
b.In a restaurant
c.In a court
d.In a jail
3.What do you think the lifeguard does in the swimming pool?
a.He save people from drowning
b.He watches people coming
c.He waves to people
d.He smiles to people
4.Who is changing tires?
a.A mechanic
b.A postman
c.A pilot
d.A cheft
5.Where does a lawyer work?
a.In a court
b.In a market
c.In a post office
d.In a barber shop
6.Who is acting on the stage?
a.An astronaut
b.An actor
c.A judge
d.A cheft
7.Who is flying a plane?
a.A pilot
b.A waiter
c.A lifeguard
d.A firefighter
8.A person who put out the fire is called...
a.the nurse
b.the lawyer
c.the astronauts
d.the firefighter
9.What is the barber doing?
a.He is writing on the page
b.He is cutting people,s hair
c.He is putting people in jail
d.He is cooking in a restaurant
10.What is the waiter doing?
a.He is changing the tires
b.He is asking what you want
c.He is cooking in a restaurant
d.He is swimming in a swimming pool

tolong bantu kk:/​

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Last Update: Tue, 24 Aug 21