Tolong bantu jawab ya..​

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari fauziahh1295 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Tolong bantu jawab ya..​
Tolong bantu jawab ya..​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

  • 7. You should work harder to build a big house.
  • 8. You sold your car. Now you cannot take the trip. You should not have sold your car.
  • 9. Today is rain. You didn't wear a raincoat. You should wear raincoat.
  • 10. You should enroll it before it's too late.


Exercise 2

Please fill in the blank with suitable form. (Isilah titik - titik dengan bentuk kata kerja dan penggunaan "Should" yang tepat).

Example :

1. You look so tired. You... a rest. (take)

➡ You look so tired. You should take a rest.

  • Menggunakan Past Future
  • S + should + V1 = You should take

2. I didn't make a coffee. Now I am sleepy. I . coffee. (make)

➡ I should have made a coffee.

  • Menggunakan Past Future Perfect
  • S + should + have + V3 = I should have made

Jadi :

7. You ... harder to build a big house. (work).

➡ You should work harder to build a big house.

  • Menggunakan Past Future
  • S + should + V1 = You should work

8. You sold your car. Now you cannot take the trip. You... your car. (not - sell)

➡ You should not have sold your car

  • Menggunakan Past Future Perfect
  • (-) S + should + not + have + V3
  • = You should not have sold

9. Today is rain. You didn't wear a raincoat. You.. a raincoat. (wear)

➡ You should wear raincoat.

  • Menggunakan Past Future
  • S + should + V1 = You should wear

10. You... it before it's too late. (enroll)

➡ You should enroll it before it's too late.

  • Menggunakan Past Future
  • S + should + V1 = You should enroll


Soal sebelumnya, nomor 1-6


Kelas: 10

Mapel: Bahasa inggris

Materi: Suggestion

Kode: 10.5

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Last Update: Thu, 02 Dec 21