A. Match the if clause with suitable reminder If clause +

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari karina2002tiara pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

A. Match the if clause with suitable reminderIf clause + reminder
If you want to be the winner, ____ a. you have to reserve your ticket
If you want a good price, ____ b. you have to go to the factory outlet
If you want fly to Bali by plane, ____ c. You must buy it
If she wants to be slim, ____ d. she has to go to a fitness center
If you break the seal, ____ e. you have to practice a lot.

B. Complete the sentences with your own idea

a. If clause + suggestion (using : should, had better, why don’t you). Number 1 has
been done for you.
1. If you want to get better soon, you should see the doctor and take a rest
2. If you don’t want to get lost in a big city , ______________________________
3. If you meet a Komodo dragon, ___________________________________
4. If there are so many assignments to be completed, ____________________
5. If you run out of gas in the rush way, ______________________________
6. If you feel exhausted, ______________________________

b. If clause + Imperative ( Started with V1). Number 1 has been done for you.
1. If you see John, tell him that I want to meet.
2. If you don’t understand the instruction, __________________________
3. If your friend bothers you all the time, ________________________
4. If your battery is dying, ____________________
5. If there is no one for asking help around you, _____________________
6. If you forget to bring some money to school, _______________________

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


A. Match the clause with suitable reminder = samakan sebab dengan kalimat saran yang tepat

kalimat if + pengingat

  • e. You have to practice a lot
  • b. You have to gonto the factory outlet
  • a. You have to reserve your ticket
  • d. She has to go to a fitness center
  • c. You must but it

B. Complete the sentence with your own idea = lengkapi kalimat dengan idemu sendiri

a. gunakan rumus, kalimat if + sugesti/saran (gunakan: harus, lebih baik, kenapa tidak)

2. You should check your GPS

3. You have to be careful

4. Why don't you work on it slowly in your spare time?

5. You had better to pull your vehicle safely off the right side of the highway

6. You should get some rest

b. Kerjakan sesuai rumus (kalimat if + kalimat imperatif/perintah)

2. Ask your instructor

3. Tell him to go away

4. Charge your phone

5. Tough it up

6. Remember to being it next time


semoga membantu dan tolong jadikan jawaban terbaik jika membantu, terima kasih

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh micchi1817 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Mon, 03 Jan 22