Read the following text to answer questions 5-7I have an

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari faturo52 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Read the following text to answer questions 5-7I have an inspiring friend. She is my classmate and sits besides
me. Her name is Rahmi. Rahmi has good personality. She is
kindhearted and helpful. She often helps her friends. She even works
part time to earn money to help her parents.
Rahmi can manage her time well. She always gets up early. She
studies hard everyday and does her homework on time. She secures
good marks and she is usually top of her class in examination. She
inspires me to study harder.
Rahmi likes cooking. She often tries new recipes at least once a
week. She is really fond of making cakes. She often asks me to taste
her cakes. I think her cakes are delicious.
5. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. Rahmi's personality is nice.
B. Rahmi loves cooking.
C. Rahmi is good in managing her time.
D. Rahmi loves to help each other.
6. What is the purpose of the text?
A To tell the readers about Rahmi.
B. To tell the readers about Rahmi's hobby
C. To describe how Rahmi looks like.
D. To persuade the readers to love Rahmi.
7. " she even works part-time to earn money to help her parents."
What do the underlined words mean?
A Work for family
B. Work for the whole of working week
C. Work for only part of each day or week
D. Work for the purpose of getting money as much as possible​

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maybe,maaf kalo salah: )

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Last Update: Fri, 23 Jul 21