Tolong bantu serius, deadline besok Choose the correct answer. Give

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari myself455 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Tolong bantu serius, deadline besokChoose the correct answer. Give a reason

1. The organizers found ( a new site, a new sites, new a site, a site new).
2. The event drew a (large, larger, the largest, very large) audience than the organizers had expected.
3. The festival featured (one of the greatest, some of the greater, some of the great, some of the greatest) musicians of the 1960s.
4. You should use (specific, specifically, specifications, specificity) reasons and examples to support your answer.
5. Thomas Edison is (the renowned inventor, the renowned inventors, be the renowned inventor, the inventor renowned).

Choose the correct answer. Give a reason.

1. Sandy (proud, proudly, be proud, with proud) shows her diploma.
2. The baker (carefully, careful, be careful, carefulness) removes the buns from the oven.
3. The children are speaking (soft, softness, softly, soften).
4. By adding some widgets, you can see all kinds of information and perform certain actions (direct, directly, in directly, with directly) from the home screen.
5. The tests found a level of virus at about 20,000 copies per millimeter, (fair, fairness, fairly, is fairly) low for a baby. ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. a new site, it's suitable
  2. Larger, it's a comparative degree
  3. Some of the greatest, Superlative degree
  4. specific, it's suitable
  5. The renowned inventor, Singular

  1. Proudly, it's suitable
  2. Carefully, it's suitable
  3. Softly, it's suitable
  4. Directly, it's suitable
  5. Fairly, it's suitable

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Last Update: Sat, 01 Jan 22