why does sari call the cat si belang​

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Why does sari call the cat si belang​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


. To describe "si Belang"

2. The text tell us about the writer's pet

3. she has two color, white and brown.

She is so cute. Her fur is so thick and soft. Her two eye

bright. Her nose is flat. Her mouth is small. Her tail is long.

four paws are small. She has got sharp whiskers on her face.

4. She likes to lick her tail. She eats fish but sometimes she likes tempe. In the afternoon, when the sun goes down, she likes to go outside. In the yard, She likes to run, roll, and climb trees.

5. She likes to tounge her tail

6. "si Belang"

7. She sounds meow. She can hop and stand.She is so smart and funny.

8. Childern

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Last Update: Fri, 22 Apr 22